Light And Truth Newsletter

President Urchtdorf gave a powerful talk in October 2017 about light and darkness and about healing from spiritual sicknesses. In my mind mental health and spiritual health are all related and including the physical body.

Recently I learned about the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE’s) and this is a study looking into various childhood trauma’s such as abuse and neglect. It had a list of very negative things that happen in childhood and how it harms in adulthood. Childhood trauma’s lead to a lot more than psychological disorders such as drug use, but it also damages the body through increased cortisol that remains at high levels for long periods of time in the body which becomes toxic. This leads to diseases like heart disease and early death. Their results were a large percentage of the population they studied had one or more of these ACE’s.

America has a lot of dysfunctional families and many lives are broken because of it.

Here are the highlights of his talk:

“Even the deepest spiritual wounds-yes, even those that may appear incurable-can be healed.”

“Whatever causes our spiritual ailments, they all have one thing in common: the absence of light.”

“Darkness reduces our ability to see clearly. It dims our vision of that which was at one time plain and clear. When we are in darkness, we are more likely to make poor choices because we cannot see dangers in our path. When we are in darkness, we are more likely to lose hope because we cannot see the peace and joy that await us if we just keep pressing forward.”

“Light, on the other hand, allows us to see things as they really are. It allows us to discern between truth and error, between the vital and the trivial. When we are in the light, we can make righteous choices based on true principles. When we are int eh light, we have a “perfect brightness of hope” because we can see our mortal trials from an eternal perspective.”

“We will find spiritual healing as we step away from the shadows of the world and into the everlasting light of Christ.”

“The Light of Christ enlightens and saturates the souls of all who hearken to the voice of the Spirit.”

“This is the ultimate remedy for spiritual sickness. Darkness vanishes in the presence of light.”

“Satan will make every effort to create a shadow or get us into a shadow of our own making.”

He boldly declares that you can rid yourself of all darkness and be filled with only light. He lists all the ways to increase in light. Every action we take to seek after Christ our light grows.

The purpose of this website and this newsletter is to increase your light and overcome darkness. The newsletter focuses on the gospel a different way than my blog which are my thoughts and feelings from generally specific quotes from General Conferences.

The newsletter focuses on the gospel in a different way. I will still write about teachings from the prophets but from different sources other than General Conference. Also, I write about my study in the Standard Works.  For example, right now I am reading the Book of Mormon to learn what it can teach me about creating a powerful marriage and family. I am pondering the Book of Mormon deeply and meticulously for marriage and family knowledge and this will dominate the emails for the foreseeable future.

If you live in the Salt Lake Valley, join me for church on Sunday. Address and time is included the emails.

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