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Nothing Is More Powerful Than The Love Of God June 05, 2017 |
God’s Love In The Home Is The Key To Raising Strong And Powerful ChildrenBook of Mormon Marriage And Family Study1 Nephi 11: 22-23- “And I answered him, saying; Yea, it is the love of God, which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore, it is the most desirable above all things. “And he spake unto me, saying; Yea, and the most joyous to the soul.” Love at home is everything! It can overcome a lot of other disadvantages. For example there is something called the Orchid Hypothesis, which says children born with “bad genes” (i.e. prone to antisocial behavior such as aggression and noncompliance) can thrive in a home with love. Additionally, they can exceed children born with “good genes.” Not every child can handle the same level of stress. For example some children are born with genes that help them cope with stress easier than others who break much quicker under the same load. A loving home environment can make children strong. Ultimately, it is the Atonement of Christ that makes children resilient.
Love is the grand secret for your children living a glorious life. That foundation of love is something they will carry with them throughout their life. Additionally, your children will crave and seek after this love, and it will transform them. They will want to be at home more than anywhere else and will recognize that the world cannot give them what they hunger after.
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