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The Atonement And The Importance Of Cleanliness September 29, 2015 |
The Redeeming And Strenghtening Power Of The AtonementThe Things Of My Soul: My Book of Mormon Study
Alma 24: 13- "…which shall be shed for the atonement of our sins." The Apostles teach the atonement has two broad categories; 1. The redeeming power and 2. The divine strengthening power. The atonement is the only way we can be washed clean from our sins, and that does not mean partly clean or mostly clean but totally clean. Why worry about cleanliness so much? Cleanliness matters so much because dirtiness and filthiness have no part in God's kingdom. Similarly, because God will not be mocked God will not share His power with the corrupt and wicked. The atonement also helps us overcome things (our sins and weaknesses) and accomplish things far greater than our natural abilities, through His grace. We often don't have a clue of what we can become and do because the Holy Ghost is not bright enough of our lives. The Lord's grace is not free or cheap. We must do our part, and President Uchtdorf explained in a recent conference that receiving His grace is not after all we can do but more about because we are doing all we can do. For example, we can receive His grace throughout the journey, not at the end of our journey after we expended all our strength. Who could survive and endure the journey if help only came at the end?
Jesus Christ Is The IntermediaryHe stepped in to satisfy the demands of justice by showing mercy. However, He can only do that if we repent. Also, our sins don't disappear when we die. Instead, they remain with us forever until we repent. Therefore, sin is grave.
I invite you to join me at church on Sunday's. We meet from 9:00 A.M to noon. Sacrament is our first meeting that lasts about an hour, and this meeting we are all together, and then we split up to Sunday School. The Sacrament Meeting is the most important meeting of all the church meetings. When you arrive grab anyone and tell them about this website and explain that you are visiting. Also, ask to meet our branch mission leader and the full time missionaries before Sacrament Meeting starts. My chapel address is 1928 E. South Campus Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah. It is at the University of Utah campus, in the institute area. My branch is a singles branch, but if you are married with children don't let that stop you from visiting our Sacrament Meeting and chatting with our branch mission leader and full time missionaries.The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is a worldwide church. Most likely there is a chapel near you.
There is nothing more important in this life or in this world than the gospel of Jesus Christ, as revealed by the Apostles and Prophets because it finds evil and wicked men and transforms them into good men, and good men into righteous men. Ultimately, the gospel of Jesus Christ is the world’s only hope for salvation, peace and safety.
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