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Don’t be deceived by the temptations of the devil. March 09, 2017 |
Fathers Are The Leaders Of The Home And Therefore Can’t Be Deceived By SatanBook of Mormon Marriage And Family Study1 Nephi 12: 17- “Temptations of the devil, which blindeth the eyes, and hardeneth the hearts of the children of men.” Temptation in and of itself is not a sin; however, we cannot take temptations lightly if we want to survive spiritually. Christ was sorely tempted; however, He did not passively resist. I am sure He understood the spiritual damage temptation causes by letting it linger. He gave it no heed! That is how Christ overcame temptation. How can marriages and families resist all temptations so they are not blind and hardened? Make sure your home is gospel centered. A gospel centered home is the key to everything. Christ defeated Satan’s temptations with the word of God. Satan is the father of all lies and the master deceiver; and he does this by taking a lie and twisting and shaping it until it seems ok. Eventually, we accept it and embrace it. This is how he deceives the very elect of God. The only reason why Satan has power is because people believe and act on his lies. Many have good intentions but are deceived. I believe many in the Great And Spacious Building simply want to fit in with a society who doesn’t know God or care to know Him. Additionally, we have to be careful about who and what influences us because some people intentionally serve Satan with the explicit goal to harm and destroy. This matters because your children will act on Satan’s lies. This will take them down dangerous roads and could take a long time to get back on track. These roads could kill them spiritually. You are in an uphill battle if you are the only parent who cares about the gospel.
Temptation is not a sin, however, there are spiritual consequences to temptation. At a minimum temptation distracts you. Why The Father Must Resist TemptationThe father is the leader in the home, and if he is distracted by temptation the family suffers greatly. A father who wants to serve his family in powerful ways can’t be complacent with evil. The father needs to see clearly and have a soft heart. This allows him to be a prophet within his own family. The father should be the counselor to his children. The wife also but the father’s leadership role has a special responsibility to lead the children to righteousness through his wisdom, knowledge and life experience. The leader of the family cannot be deceived by Satan!
If you live in the Salt Lake City valley, I invite you to join us at church on Sunday's at 1 p.m. We are a mid-singles ward; however, if you have a family please don't let that stop you. Please, join us for for our first meeting which is Sacrament meeting, and make sure you ask someone to introduce you to our ward mission leader. Our address is 7155 South 540 East, Midvale Utah, 84047.Go here to find a chapel near you if you don't live in the Salt Lake City, Utah area. |
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