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We Can Turn Weaknesses Into Strengths June 08, 2017 |
How To Cut Domestic Violence Down By At Least HalfBook of Mormon Marriage And Family Study1 Nephi 16: 22 “because they had hardened their hearts again,…” God intentionally created this earth life and experience to be hard, so we would be forced to rely on Him. I love this verse in the Book of Mormon because it brings so much clarity and understanding to our life. “And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men (and women) that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them.” “I will show unto them their weakness,” and “I give unto men weakness,” are very profound truths to deeply think about. The weakness God gave us is this mortal life we are going through. It is more than that, the second sentence tells me that having personal weaknesses are intentional and part of the plan. Indeed, weaknesses can easily harden hearts but it doesn’t have to be this way. Additionally, the Apostles teach that God sees weaknesses different than sin. The Lord has the least degree of allowance for sin but has tremendous compassion for weakness. Imagine the drop of domestic violence if every couple and parent accepted the weaknesses of their family members! It would probably drop by at least half if not 75%. Furthermore, I believe if we truly pondered this verse in Ether it would cure most of the anxiety disorders and much of the depression. How? You will accept your weaknesses and your anxiety will melt away because you will not stress if other people see your weaknesses. This doctrine gives you permission to be imperfect. Serious problems and hard hearts happen because parents and family treat weaknesses as sins.
If you live in the Salt Lake City valley, I invite you to join us at church on Sunday's at 1 p.m. We are a mid-singles ward; however, if you have a family please don't let that stop you. Please, join us for for our first meeting which is Sacrament meeting, and make sure you ask someone to introduce you to our ward mission leader. Our address is 7155 South 540 East, Midvale Utah, 84047.Go here to find a chapel near you if you don't live in the Salt Lake City, Utah area. |
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