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Spiritually Courageous Children November 08, 2017 |
Raising Strong Children To Engage The Wicked WorldBook of Mormon Marriage And Family Study1 Nephi 10:12- “whose branches should be broken off and should be scattered upon all the face of the earth.” I don’t think parents should shield or hide their children in a cave and thus protecting them from the evils of the world. Instead, we should arm them with the power to face and conquer the world. George Q. Cannon said, “God has reserved spirits for this dispensation who have the courage and determination to face the world, and all the powers of the evil one, visible and invisible, to proclaim the Gospel, and maintain the truth, and establish and build up Zion of our God, fearless of all consequences. He has sent these spirits in this generation to lay the foundation of Zion never more to be overthrown, and to raise up a seed that will be righteous, and that will honor God, and honor him supremely, and be obedient to him under all circumstances.” It can be discouraging to think about bringing children into this wicked world; however, Jesus Christ is God and He is in charge. He created this world and also holds all the armies of the earth in the palms of His hand. It might be scary to bring children into a world that you know will be cleansed of wickedness; however, the righteous will be preserved.This life is extremely short and very important; therefore, we can’t waste it away and parents need to be the leaders in helping the children see the big and eternal picture. What a great feeling it will be for parents to know their children are scattered out in the world making a big difference, and not at home wasting their life away in video games and mindless entertainment. King Mosiah’s personal righteousness and leadership brought down the powers of heaven for his sons. His sons then went on to change the world. “So, as much as we have already built faith and courage in our hearts, the Lord expects more from us—and from the generations after us. They will need to be stronger and braver because they will do even greater and harder things than we have done. And they will face increasing opposition from the enemy of our souls.” President Henry B. Eyring, Fear Not To Do Good, October 2017 General Conference If you live in the Salt Lake City valley, I invite you to join us at church on Sunday's at 1 p.m. We are a mid-singles ward; however, if you have a family please don't let that stop you. Please, join us for for our first meeting which is Sacrament meeting, and make sure you ask someone to introduce you to our ward mission leader. Our address is 7155 South 540 East, Midvale Utah, 84047.Go here to request your own free copy of the Book of Mormon Go here to find a chapel near you if you don't live in the Salt Lake City, Utah area. |
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