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Filth And Dross December 11, 2018 |
Knowing Christ Is Worth Every SacrificeBook of Mormon Marriage And Family Study2 Nephi 4: 33 "O Lord, wilt thou encircle me in the robe of thy righteousness!" The Lord has a high standard! He knows what we are capable of if we are yoked to Him. This also sounds like an invitation into His inner circle. When I think of this phrase, “encircled in the robe of His righteousness,” I think of this: “And this is the reason that Paul counted all things but filth and dross- what he formerly called his gain he called his loss; yea, and he counted all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus the Lord (Phillipians 3:7-10). Because to obtain the faith by which he could enjoy the knowledge of Christ Jesus the Lord, he had to suffer the loss of all things. This is the reason that Former-day Saints knew more, and understood more, of heaven and heavenly things than all others beside, because this information is the effect of faith- to be obtained by no other means.” Lectures on Faith Somehow, we need to help our families overcome the world and teach them what is important and what is not. This will be done largely by example. Brigham Young said we should never do anything that we don’t want our children doing. The media is a good example of this. Our prophet has counseled the youth to do a 7-day fast from Social Media. That is a huge distraction! Not only for the youth but also for adults. Knowing Christ is worth every sacrifice. In my mind, anything that keeps us from that is “filth and dross”. Our children will not desire those things if they are converted to Christ. I think it will still be a temptation because most likely their friend’s faces are buried in the phone and spend much of their time on the media. However, because of your leadership riveting your family on the word of God, the seed was planted and nurtured. Their tree of faith is growing and already producing fruit. The fruit they taste on a daily basis is God’s love, which is much stronger and joyous to the soul than any entertainment they could consume. When severe testing and trials come, your children will not distract themselves in ways that only deepen their depression and discouragement. Instead, the highlight of their day will be family scripture study because they know they will feel God’s light and His love. They know they will receive personal revelation for their life, and that will heal their souls. Something that you (as their mother or father) said in the family gospel discussion might be the exact thing they needed to hear, and their hearts were comforted because of the Holy Ghost. This experience does two powerful things. It converts our children to Christ and creates a bond with you stronger than their friends or even the cords of death.
If you live in the Salt Lake City valley, I invite you to join us at church on Sunday's. Currently we meet at 9 A.M.; however, starting in January we will change to noon. We are a mid-singles ward; however, if you have a family please don't let that stop you. Please, join us for for our first meeting which is Sacrament meeting, and make sure you ask someone to introduce you to our ward mission leader. Our address is 7155 South 540 East, Midvale Utah, 84047.Go here to request your own free copy of the Book of Mormon Go here to find a chapel near you if you don't live in the Salt Lake City, Utah area. |
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